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Sentell Cemetery
Sentell page 2
Buried Treasures - Garner
Buried Treasures - Cottle
Buried Treasures - Carter
Buried Treasures - Pitts
Goats, goats and more goats!
When I was first born I would get in this and could not get out. It only took me two days to learn how to jump out of it.
Don't let them make fun of you ladies, they are just jealous that you have on skirts and they don't.
You can say what you want to about being beautiful Mocha but I am the favorite and I have the best personality of all of you!

Below you will find one of the bucks sold from my stock. He has been named Buddy and his owners shared these pictures with me and gave permission for them to be added to my site. I think he is just beautiful!

I am Piper and I was bottle fed. I was a year old in February 2008

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